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I have created a custom computed field that I would like to filter and group in the list view.

To achieve that, I know that it should be `stored`, which requires one or more fields in `dependencies`.

My custom field is to be displayed in the Sales Orders model but I would like the field to be updated when there is a state change in Stock Picking.

I tried typing in `stock.picking.state` but it doesn't recognize `stock`.


Thanks but it's not working, unfortunately :)

Through the Odoo UI it's not possible to compute a field based on another field!  

I have to go through an automated action to update this field!

Best Answer


you can use 'picking_ids.state' on dependence

def _your_function(self):


Thank you! I will try it. The main thing is that since I'm new to Odoo and its model structure, I don't know the available model object keys (e.g. picking_ids).

Is there a chart or documentation on the anatomy of Odoo models? (I know the source code itself is a great place to check, but it takes time).

You can check all fields of respective models by searching on

settings > Technical Settings > models

you can search you model is there , and get all fields and respective details of each field

Best Answer

Try, using the relation field in dependencies. You can try creating a related field and use it in dependencies. S create a related field that has the state.


That's a good idea! Thank you.

No problem