I have this method, i need to change it to if the value of annual_leave changes, nothing should happen, but if the value does not change, add +1 to the remaining count variable. How can i do it ?
@api.multi @api.depends('yearly_holidays_ids') def _get_current_holiday_pool(self): for record in self: current_year = datetime.date.today().year total_holidays = record.yearly_holidays_ids.filtered(lambda lm:lm.year == current_year) annual_leaves = self.env['hr.holidays'].search_count([('holiday_status_id.name', '=', 'annual')]) if annual_leaves > 1: total_holidays = total_holidays[0] record.current_holiday_pool = total_holidays.remaining_count elif annual_leaves == 1: record.current_holiday_pool = total_holidays.remaining_count elif annual_leaves == 0: record.current_holiday_pool = 0
Thank you for your help!
Regards, Steven