A customer wants to be able to search for money values using both . and , as decimal separators (because we live in a country where , is official separator but . also is often (unofficially) used).
I started with the following filter:
<field name="offer_amount" string="Sum of Quotation" filter_domain="[('offer_amount', 'ilike', self)]"/>
It works for search values with ., such as 14.7
To make it work also for , I would need to sanitize the search value for this field using something like str.replace(',', '.')
I tried
<field name="offer_amount" string="Sum of Quotation" filter_domain="[('offer_amount', 'ilike', str(self).replace('',,'.'))]"/>
but got an error because filter_domain is parsed inside Javascrypt py.js library which doesn't support replace().
What is the right way to transform search values for specific fields?