I have 25 users in Odoo 11. I am the administrator and one of the users. I manage to successfully synchronize my Odoo calendar with my personal Google calendar by following Odoo official tutorial and add to settings the necessary details.
I have so far not been able to synchronize the other (normal) users calendars and have observed the following:
A) - When a normal user clicks the "synchronize with Google button" is redirected to Google calendar set-up page; asked to insert the email address and to confirm. All seems to be all right;
B) - In the setting page the calendar Token, Token User, and Token Validity are created. The date of last sync and the Calendar ID are NOT created;
C) - When the user clicks for the second time on the "synchronize with Google button" receives the following error message (see below) and calendar items are not synchronized.
Does anyone knows what I need to do to solve this issue and sync all the calendars of my users?
Odoo Server Error - Access Error
(Document type: res.partner, Operation: read)