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3 Replies

Hi everybody.

How can I sort the apps icons in the dashboard? They are in a complete disorder.

I am using Odoo14 Enterprise.

Maybe you call it switcher..

Regards, Guy

Best Answer

To simplify, you can follow steps 1 and 2 of Kamrul's good instructions and then go to Filters > "Add Custom Filter" > "Parent Menu" > "is not set" > and then choose your sequence by simply "switching" up and down as desired.


The order will be reset during an upgrade. We have a way to search for Menus from the home screen.

Best Answer

Dashboard apps sorting as a sequence, so need to change the sequence. Apps will be sorted.

You can sort apps dashboard following those step:

Step 1: Go to Setting menu from dashboard and Active developer mode 

Step 2: Again go to setting and Technical > Menu Items 

Step 3: Search which dashboard app want to sort like 'Sales' and edit Sequence, input your menu sequence 0

Then check dashboard apps will be sorted.

Author Best Answer

Hi Kamrul.

Putting the dashboard app sequence to 0 doesn't sort them alphabetically...

Do I really have to edit every menu item and sort them one by one ?


Not every menu you can only parent menu Ricardo's instruction and 0 to increase alphabetically. 0 just an example.