hello all,
I really don't know how to solve this problem...
I'm on Odoo 8.
The promote tool is very unstable. When I open the modal window, the wheels turns in my browser.
Often, the window is very long to open.
When I try to change words in the title or the description, it bugs. Even, I hear the fan of the server who runs quicker on the server. I can't modify the text. Or it is very very long before I get a cursor.
Sometimes, I get error message in the browser about website.seo.js or assets.
Sometimes, the browser crashes.
Most of the time, I can't save or click the X at the top right of the modal window to close. I have to refresh the page.
Errors or bugs are never the same but always lead to a refresh of the page.
I have try many browser : Safari, Chromium, Firefox.
I have try to disable some custom modules.
How to debug it?
Where is the problem?
When I click on promote menu, on the frontend, for example, I get these two lines in the log :
2017-04-20 19:25:14,168 24070 INFO odoo-test werkzeug: - - [20/Apr/2017 19:25:14] "GET /website/seo_suggest/boutique HTTP/1.0" 200 -
2017-04-20 19:25:14,264 24070 INFO odoo-test werkzeug: - - [20/Apr/2017 19:25:14] "GET /website/seo_suggest/diversit%C3%A9 HTTP/1.0" 200 -
After this, I try to change one word in the Description textbox.
Firefox becomes grey, the fan turns quickly on the server and I get this error :
Un script sur cette page est peut-être occupé ou ne répond plus. Vous pouvez arrêter le script maintenant, l’ouvrir dans le débogueur ou le laisser continuer.
Script : http://odoo-test.lapagept.com/…b/js/web.assets_common/28b9258:427
ANd Firefox becomes inoperable.
Sometimes, I can be an other error... Not always the same error.
Could you enable the debug mode with assets and share the traceback / console error ...
Thére are no réason that it crash... it just make 1 request/keyword to get the suggested related keyword...