When you load the calendar (meetings) in odoo, the month view shows up by default.
How can I show the week or day view by default?
Is there any related configuration option or a custom module is needed?
Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.
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When you load the calendar (meetings) in odoo, the month view shows up by default.
How can I show the week or day view by default?
Is there any related configuration option or a custom module is needed?
(I know it's been too late but this could help someone)
You can use mode attribute of the calendar tag.
<calendar string="Invoices" color="journal_id" date_start="date_invoice" mode="week">
Best regards,
Thank you, another reason why odoo documentation is lacking...
in my mind this configuration will require development.
Hello George!
I do it that editting the file web_calendar.js in addons/web_calendar/statics/src/js/web_calendar.js in line 257 I modifyed this
defaultView: (this.mode == "month")?"month":
(this.mode == "week"?"agendaWeek":
(this.mode == "day"?"agendaDay":"month")),defaultView: (this.mode == "month")?"month":
(this.mode == "week"?"agendaWeek":
(this.mode == "day"?"agendaDay":"agendaWeek")),
Setting the default value to "agendaWeek" and its working properly!
Show a by default week in calendar view use mode="week" attribute in calendar tag.
<calendar string="Calendar" date_start="date_start" date_stop="date_stop" color="user_id" avatar_model="res.users" display="[name]" mode="week">
<field name="user_id" />
Hello, This will help you it is work for me.
get_fc_init_options: function () {
var result = this._super();
result.defaultView = 'month';
return result
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