On odoo sales order invoice report, how to get item delivery information like warehouse, location and batch in qweb xml for pdf report.
What is relation between invoice lines and stock move etc?
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On odoo sales order invoice report, how to get item delivery information like warehouse, location and batch in qweb xml for pdf report.
What is relation between invoice lines and stock move etc?
Try to change like this
Please pass line_id as object
def get_delivery_details(self, line_id, origin, product_id):
delv =[]
stock_move = self.env['stock.move'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', line_id.sale_line_ids.ids), ('product_id', '=', product_id.id),('state','=','done')])
for move_line in stock_move.mapped('move_line_ids'):
warehouse_id = move_line.move_id.warehouse_id or move_line.move_id.picking_id.picking_type_id.warehouse_id
'location' : move_line.location_id.name,
'dest_location' : move_line.location_dest_id.name,
'parent' : move_line.location_id.location_id.name if move_line.location_id.location_id else move_line.location_id.name,
'qty' : move_line.qty_done,
'lot' : move_line.lot_id.name if move_line.lot_id else '',
'warehouse' : warehouse_id.id if warehouse_id else '',
'expiry' : move_line.lot_id.life_date if move_line.lot_id else ''
return delv
<t t-set="delv_vals" t-value="line.get_delivery_details(line.id, line.origin, line.product_id)"/>
<t t-foreach="delv_vals" t-as="delivery">
<span t-esc="delivery['qty']/>
<span t-esc="delivery['warehouse']/>
<span t-esc="delivery['lot']/>
<span t-esc="delivery['location_id']/>
<span t-esc="delivery['parent']/>
<span t-esc="delivery['expiry']/>
Hii Vishnu Vanneri,
This is really good. Few more things, how to get
Parent Location
Warehouse Name
Lot (Batch or Serial) name
Lot Expiry Date
Hii Vishnu Vanneri,
From QWeb I am passing account_invoice_line object. Here line_id means invoice line id.
Here we dont he sale_line_id that you are using in
stock_move = self.env['stock.move'].search([('sale_line_id', '=', line_id), ('product_id', '=', product_id.id)('state','=','done')])
From where to get sale_line_id on account_invoice_line object??
Hii Vishnu Vanneri, Thanks again.
Two things.
We have two step delivery in warehouse. Pick and Out.
From your query it is showing Out delivery (Dispatch Location)
I want to show the Pick location which is actual location.
and warehouse_id not found.
Please check updated answer.
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Here is, I have a method calling from Qweb. Passing dictionary object to QWeb.
def get_delivery_details(self, line_id, origin, product_id):
res = {}
stock_move = self.env['stock.move'].search([('origin', '=', origin), ('product_id', '=', product_id.id)])
for move in stock_move.filtered(lambda operation: operation.picking_type_id.name == 'Pick'):
for move_line in move.move_line_ids:
res['qty'] = move_line.qty_done
res['loc'] = move_line.location_id.name
return res
In Qweb I am calling above method
<t t-foreach="line.get_delivery_details(line.id, line.origin, line.product_id)" t-as="delivery">
<span t-esc="delivery.qty"/> -- Not Working
<span t-esc="delivery[0]"/> -- Not Working
How to get value in this loop....or some better idea?