Hello All,
i selected patient from patient and open patient form , And above the patient form i add a button for this button wizard is opened and getting appointment information .
I want that patient_id filed in create appointment wizard should be auto field when user open it
How can i do this?
##################### Code ####################
from odoo import models, fields, api
class CreateAppintment(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'create.appointment'
patient_id = fields.Many2one('clinic.patient', string='Patient')
date_appointment = fields.Datetime('Date of Appointment')
appointment_type = fields.Selection([('type1', 'Medical consultation'), ('type2', 'Check Up')],
string="Appointment Type",
help="To Detect The Type Of Appointment")
appointment_status = fields.Selection(
[('Pending', 'Pending'), ('Comfirmed', 'Comfirmed'), ('Done', 'Done'), ('Canceled', 'Canceled')], String="Status",
readonly=True, default='Pending')
doctor_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Doctor',
domain="[('department_id.name', '=', 'Doctors')]")
notes = fields.Html('Notes')
def default_get(self):
# Create Appointment
def create_appointment(self):
vals = {
'patient_id': self.patient_id.id,
'doctor_id': self.doctor_id.id,
'date_appointment': self.date_appointment,
'appointment_type': self.appointment_type,
'appointment_status': self.appointment_status,
'notes': self.notes
# adding a message to the Chatter from code
self.patient_id.message_post(body='Test String', subject="Appointment Creation")
# creating appointments from the code