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Hi to all, we are trying to enable three different websites, with three different domain names on one odoo v10e instance. Has somebody done this before, and if you have some tips please provide. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Multi Website in v10 is deprecated... (it is why the option is hidden by default).

If you really want to do it, I suggest you to avoid to share some template between website, and so have really 3 complete layout.

Doing it, you break the 'theme out of the box' feature, because you need to update each inherited view to don't use Main Layout from website=False, but Mainlayout from your targetted website. Last thing, by default you cannot install more than one module where name starting by theme_.

Multi website works well when you just want to change content according to the website, but not really the template. Because Xpath from website1, could break website2...

Just need to be aware of it, to avoid headache :)

No "support" given by Odoo about this deprecated feature.


yeah we are going to use one template for all three sites, just the colors are going to be changed. But the question was how to host these three sites with different urls. An answer would be so much appreciated.

This feature is invisible by default. You need to update the ir_ui_view for website_form, and make the switcher visible. Atfer you can choose which url, point to which website !

~ But don't forget: No "support" given by Odoo about this deprecated feature.


i set this line

<field name = "website_id" invisible = "0"/>

so now the switcher is visible, the urls are correct, the editing is the problem, seems like the other sites are taking the content from the first site created

i have already done the button, and the three sites are on different urls, but now the problem is that the home page is tied to all of them, making changes to it affects all three sites. any thoughts on this? 

On 30 November 2016 at 11:13, Jérémy Kersten (jke) <> wrote:

This feature is invisible by default. You need to update the ir_ui_view for website_form, and make the switcher visible. Atfer you can choose which url, point to which website !

~ But don't forget: No "support" given by Odoo about this deprecated feature.

Jérémy Kersten

Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.

Kind Regards.
Riste Kabranov (Nebiz IT)

The default template are website=False, you need to duplicate the view and set the website_id.

If website_id = False, the view are shared between each website ...

can you please elaborate on this, it would be of great help if you would

On 1 December 2016 at 10:36, Jérémy Kersten (jke) <> wrote:

The default template are website=False, you need to duplicate the view and set the website_id.

If website_id = False, the view are shared between each website ...

Jérémy Kersten

Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.

Kind Regards.
Riste Kabranov (Nebiz IT)
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