This is My odoo installation directory not under opt folder
ubuntu-libu@ubuntulibu-OptiPlex-790:~/odoo$ ./
I followed below steps and i can run odoo using terminal
.So please help me how to setup autostart odoo 8 without use terminal , by explain a step by step decscription
- I have install Odoo on fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 from Github, So first I have installed git my system, to work with Github
sudo apt-get install git
- Update apt source list
sudo apt-get update
- Download and Install Updates
sudo apt-get upgrade
- Install required packages for Odoo
sudo apt-get install graphviz ghostscript postgresql-client \
python-dateutil python-feedparser python-matplotlib \
python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako \
python-openid python-psycopg2 python-pybabel python-pychart \
python-pydot python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson \
python-tz python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav \
python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-imaging
- Install supporting packages for Odoo
sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev mc bzr python-setuptools python-babel \
python-feedparser python-reportlab-accel python-zsi python-openssl \
python-egenix-mxdatetime python-jinja2 python-unittest2 python-mock \
python-docutils lptools make python-psutil python-paramiko poppler-utils \
python-pdftools antiword postgresql
- Install full Postgres database
sudo apt-get install postgresql
- Create database user for Odoo
sudo -u postgres createuser -s odoo
- Get / Install Odoo from Github to you system
wget -O- | python
- Now go to odoo folder where opeperp-server file resides. (This command may vary to your system, if you have specify different path for storing odoo project)
cd odoo/odoo/
- Run server
- Now I can access the openerp using http://localhost:8069
from this blog
Honestly, you should use an automated install script. The one from André Schenkels is amazing! See it will do a full Odoo install and will automate the start-up proces from Odoo too.
I checked this blog ,but I want to know where can I run this script in terminal or somewhere .
Simply do a sudo nano then paste the code in it. Make the file executable with sudo chmod +x odoo_install and the final step is to do ./odoo_install and it will install the whole Odoo with auto-boot.