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I'm a newcomer to OpenERP/odoo.

I want to reduce the cost of a product as larger quantities are ordered.

So, example pricing would look like this:

Quantity  |  Price per individual product

1-3 = £200 each

4-5 = £190 each

6-7 = £180 each

8 and higher = £170 each

Users need to be able to simply select a quantity in a sales order / invoice and the correct total to be calculated based on these rules.

How is this achieved?

Best Answer

You can achieve this type of pricing by using the Min. Quantity field in the Pricelist.


  • go to Sales > Pricelists > Pricelists
  • create (or edit existing) a new Pricelist then Pricelist Version
  • then create Pricelist Item for each quantity pricebreak (in your examle you would create 4 Pricelist Items with min qty of 1,4,6, and 8 respectively)


  • these instructions don't get into all of the details about pricelists.  Pricelists are very powerful and have many options that can be used to decide what products and are affected.
  • the pricelist that you created (or edited) above needs to be applied to the sales order in question

Thanks, I will give that a go. We have a lot of products that require these price breaks, so I'm assuming a .csv import option is possible too.

yes, you can upload via csv. I have done it many times.


Thanks for your help, I've configured the price breaks through the GUI. I have two issues: 1. the price computations only seem to work for sales orders / quotations. Can they be made to work for draft invoices too? 2. The rounding doesn't work. I set "0.05" as the rounding bit still end up with prices like £300.02. And setting the rounding to "1.00" produces some very odd totals (more than they should be but by seemingly arbitrary amounts). Any ideas?