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7 Replies

please help me for setting tax and discount for a customer in a sales order in openERP. 7.0.

Best Answer

Either you can apply Fiscal position for different customers or You can directly apply it within Sale order line view from Quotation form view, if you do not want to go for Fiscal Position. In sale order line view, You will see Discount which you can manually apply and Taxes, which is coming from on selection of Product in Sale order line or you can also manually apply it as per your need. In Product form, We have Customer Taxes and Supplier Taxes in Accounting tab. So if you do not want to apply it everytime with that product, You can set your taxes from there. Customer Taxes will apply for Sales and Supplier Taxes will apply for Purchase. Hope this will help you.

Thanks, Priyesh Solanki

Best Answer

You have to create Fiscal Positions for different customers having different type of tax.

See menu "Invoicing / Configuration / Taxes / Fiscal Positions."

Then set 'Fiscal Position' to your customer from Customer form at 'Accounting' tab.


sir. i set the fiscal position for the customer. But it did not reflect any tax change in my sales order form..

Did you noticed the fiscal position of customer that comes in sales order? if it not comes automatically when you select customer, please select it manually and then try to add sales lines.

I selected the created fiscal position but no change Arif. Please help me to implement fiscal position correctly. I think my fiscal position configuration is wrong.

Best Answer


We have developed a module which allow users to apply discount (Fixed Amount, Percentage) on Sales and Customer Invoice.

The module also allow user to display the discount on Sales and Invoice report.

Once you Validate the invoice, the module generate the Journal Entries. You can track the discount on P/L report by creating a separate account for the discount which you just have to configure in the company. This account will be used to post the entries of the discount account.

Hope this module will ease everyone's life.

For now, the module is developed for v7 only and we are on the way to migrate it in v8 and v9 as well.


Best Answer

for customer discounts you have to enable pricelists in the sales settings, then you have to set the pricelist rules for example to make %25 discount for custmers, you have to set the value in the rule to -0.25 .

for taxes you can create new fiscal position for the customer ( although i tried it but without any automatic effect ) to get it affect the SO and the Inv you have to select the taxes for each SO you make.

Hope this helps.
