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I have created a new partner type called x_creditor and I have created window action and the menu item without problem for showing it on accounting menu as customer and supplier ones. But I need some help with filters. When I click on customer or supplier the window shows only these kind of partners and I would like to get the same with my new x_creditor partner.

I thought watching customer and supplier window action could copy the filter but I couldn't. I was trying with this on context value:

{'search_default_x_creditor': 1,'default_customer': 0,'default_supplier': 0,'default_x_creditor': 1}

But shows me all the partners and no filter. What's wrong?

Thank you.


This will also work in V7. Check Out This Link


Yes, it works if I put {"search_default_customer":1} or {"search_default_supplier":1} but not with my custom field x_creditor. My field is working as a boolean type like the others but if I write {"search_default_x_creditor":1} there's no filter and every partner are showed.

Best Answer

It does not work because your new field x_creditoris not defined in the search view of the object.

Another way to do this, is to create a filter using an advanced search. Then, you can save your filter Save Current Filter and check the box `Use by default'. But this will work only for the current user.


Exactly! I had to add this line: <filter string="Creditor" name="x_creditor" domain="[('x_creditor','=',1)]" help="Creditor Partners"/> on Thank you Fabien.

hi is there any way to edit the labels listed in the advanced search option.

Please, I need to search Bom components by its (default_code) from product file?