I have a report which is printed from wizard and i need to send this report as an email attachment in odoo12.
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Hi Haresh,
Thanks for your valuable response. I tried this method but show some error. Already i have python file for the report, then using report_template showing data['id'] error
Python file
def _get_report_values(self, docids, data=None):
report_obj = self.env['ir.actions.report']
reports = report_obj._get_report_from_name('module_name.report_name')
docs = self.env['payment.receipt.wiz'].browse(data['id'])
return {
'doc_ids': docids,
'doc_model': reports.model,
'docs': docs,
'data': data,
'get_report_record': self.get_report_record}
In Xml
<t t-set="value1" t-value="get_report_record(data)"/>
return self.env.ref('module_name.report_id').report_action(self,data=self.read([])[0])
If any solution please help.
Thanks & Regards
Anju M.P
Hi Anju,
There is a option in email to attach report as attachment.
You can set report as attachment in email template. There is a field named as "report_template" in email template you can attach any report so whenever you send email then it will automatically attach report for specific model record
I hope it will very helpful for you
Thanks and regards
Haresh Kansara
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