I have an old odoo website with a form (odoo 10) and now I want to send that data to my new odoo instance (odoo 13)
The odoo 13 controller is defined as
@http.route('/web/create_data', type='http', auth='none', methods=['POST'], csrf=False)
def create_data(self, **post):
If I send form data with postman it works, but I cannot get it to work from odoo 10 controller. The controllers is called but it has no data.
Odoo 10 post code
requests.post(http://new.odoo13.si/web/create_data, data={'name': 'New name', 'data': 'Some data'}, headers={'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'})
What I'm doing wrong that I don't get the posted data?
Make sure your database is restricted with single database or proper redirection routed to the database
I cannot have database selected, because it's a controller that gets the database it needs to create records in the POST. The model is in odoo config added to server_wide_modules. If I post it directly from the form it works, if I use postman to test the post it works... I just cannot get it working with requests.post.