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I created a model with a field called source_files, which is a many2many related to the table ir.attachment. In the XML, I use the widget many2many_binary to add files to source_files in an elegant way.

However, I have to select the fields one by one. Is there any way to select a group of files at a time and set them as the value of source_files?

Draging the pointer over all the files and click on Select would be perfect, but if there is other way, I don't mind at all.

Can anyone help me, please?


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Best Answer


try use widget="one2many_list"



Hello Cyril and thank you for answering. I think I didn't explain myself very well. The relationship is a many2many, and I want to avoid selecting the files one by one (with the widget one2many_list I still have to add an element each time I want to add a file).