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I have a module synchronizing odoo with an external webservice. When the service sends hooks to odoo to signal an external modification, Odoo fails since it can’t figure out in which database to work, when there are several created or when none is set by default in configuration. So is there a python way to tell odoo in which database to work ?


I am not using Odoo XML-RPC. I am accessing an external service from odoo.

Author Best Answer

It is possible to set a database within odoo by accessing the session attribute of the WebRequest object. Let’s say you have a WebRequest object, named request:

request.session.db = 'db_name'
This can be used to dynamically set a database to a request received from an external webservice.
Best Answer

Not python, but in your webservice you must set a explicit database, you should read the Odoo API reference:



It is a proprietary webservice I don’t own myself, so I can’t do anything on it.