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I have installed an independent postgresSql version 9.1 (x86). Then i simply had installed odoo-11 service without the postgresql because i already have it. After that I had to download the odeo11 source code and configure it in pycharm here is the screen shot of my odoo configuration.

here is my odoo.conf

; This is the password That Allows database operations:
; admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = openpg
db_filter =. *
db_password = openpgpwd
addons_path = d: \ odoo \ addons
xmlrpc_port = 8088

Futher i had debugged with pycharm and i was successfull installing odoo-11

But i had installed odoo10 using same method then my odoo11 install got conflicted with odoo11 and console shows me error 

Skipping database pos10 as its base version is not


Please read my comment( I had used different postgresql users for each version.

This is just a logger warning right


But my odoo11 service isn't worked when i configure two instances together\

Best Answer

It can be done (I have), but it is a bit complicated to setup AND maintain. Ask yourself if it's really worth it.

You have been properly warned. Don't come asking for exact copy&paste instructions, because there aren't. You are diving deep into customization territory. And no, it cannot be done with Windows hosting. Microsoft sucks at port management.

For different versions, you can use the same "odoo" linux user. One postgres user for each source code (ie. /opt/odoo12, /opt/odoo13), change postgres peer login to md5 login, AND specify in each odooXX.conf file the following:

1. db_user / db_password (since you disabled "peer" login, you have to explicitly fill these parameters for EACH .conf)
2. http_port / longpolling_port. Extra odoo setups can't reuse the "standard" 8069 / 8071 ports.

I don't think we have to explain that your best friend/nemesis is port management. Otherwise, you (nor odoo) have no way to control which http request goes to which odoo version.

i.e. --> that's odoo 12! It's here and uses this .conf file with this postgres passwords and has these databases to choose from...  8169? --> Well, that's odoo 13!

And so on.

The different postgres users are to prevent from loading an odoo database into the incorrect version of odoo.

Things will get extremely dicey when you try to configure a reverse proxy for HTTPS access. You do want to keep your users information private, right?

Hope it helps!

Best Answer

Try to isolate the 2 instances by explicit restricting which instance should connect to which database.

dbfilter = odoo10_db

dbfilter = odoo11_db

So that each instance should access one database and they should not conflict in DB aspect. 

If this still doesn't work, please post content of your log file.



; This is the password that allows database operations:

; admin_passwd = admin

db_host = localhost

db_port = 5432

db_user = openpg


db_password = openpgpwd

addons_path = d:\odoo\addons

xmlrpc_port = 8088

I had edit my conf file but still haive same error Skipping database pos10 as its base version is not

It seems that you are using Odoo 11 to access a database which was pre-created by Odoo 10. As far as I know, this is not possible because Odoo10 and Odoo11 are incompatible. If a database was created by Odoo 10, it must be consumed by Odoo10. If you want to use Odoo11 with that DB, you must upgrade it, which is not easy.


I am not using same databases Both I had assigned different databases to odoo10 and odoo11 but I dn't know how its considering pos10 as odoo11 database.this my odoo 11 conf


; This is the password that allows database operations:

; admin_passwd = admin

db_host = localhost

db_port = 5432

db_user = openpg


db_password = openpgpwd

addons_path = d:\odoo\addons

xmlrpc_port = 8088


both have diferent databases and users too. And Also both have different xmlrpc_port

Ahhh, according to Odoo document: , the parameter must be 'dbfilter' instead of 'db_filter'.


Ohoo Thank you for your time . You had done a remarkable thing for me .

Glad to help!


i had notice that my odoo 11 service isn't working that's the real issue.after installation of odoo 10 installation.

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