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2 Replies

Hello everyone;

I'm new to odoo and I need to run just one the invoicing modules of Odoo, not the whole of it. I've downloaded this module from:

As you may know, the downloaded content is a zip file containing python code of the module and some other xml files. My question is how to integrate it with Eclipse IDE, run it from there and see the results in web browser?

Thanks in advance. :-)

Best Answer

There is no need to run the code from and IDE or a TextEditor unless you want support in debugging or development then you can use PyCharm or any IDE with odoo-bin CLI commands so just install the module following these easy steps in any Odoo version:

1) Just extract the files of the zip file and copy the folder to odoo addons path it depends if you are in window or linux.

Linux Addons Path is:

Windows Addons Path is:
C://Program Files/Odoo15/server/odoo/addons

2) From there you need to go to odoo settings to activate the developer mode.

3) Witch will enable you to update the app list in the Apps menu so you can see the third party apps that you downloaded from the store.

4) Then search for your module and click install to see the result.

Happy to help :) an upvote will be awesome

Best Answer

You have to use XML-RPC , it is an external API , you have 4 programming languages ,one of them is Java
