I've created a wizard that views the account.move.line and i want the data of this to be filter by DATE, PERIOD, and FISCAL YEAR using the domain. but when i run it, it does not pop up the wizard and automatically close the whole wizard. Can someone please help me in this problem?
Here is my code:
<record id="biz1_tax_views" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Extended Tax Report</field>
<field name="model">biz1.tax.report</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Filter" version="7.0">
<label string="" /> <!-- binding for inherited views -->
<group col="4">
<field name="chart_account_id" widget='selection'
on_change="onchange_chart_id(chart_account_id, context)" />
<field name="company_id" invisible="1" />
<field name="fiscalyear_id" domain="[('company_id','=',company_id)]" />
<field name="target_move" />
<notebook tabpos="up" colspan="4">
<page string="Filters" name="filters">
<field name="filter" on_change="onchange_filter(filter, fiscalyear_id)" />
<group string="Dates"
attrs="{'invisible':[('filter', '!=', 'filter_date')], 'required':[('filter', '=', 'filter_date')]}">
<field name="date_from" />
<field name="date_to" />
<group string="Periods"
attrs="{'invisible':[('filter','!=','filter_period')], 'required':[('filter', '=', 'filter_period')]}">
<field name="period_from" domain="[('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id)]" />
<field name="period_to" domain="[('fiscalyear_id', '=', fiscalyear_id)]" />
<page string="Journals" name="journal_ids">
<field name="journal_ids" />
<button name="check_report" string="Print" type="object"
default_focus="1" class="oe_highlight" />
<button string="Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
<button icon="gtk-cancel" special="cancel" string="Cancel" />
<button icon="gtk-ok" name="action_button_ok" string="Filter Data"
type="object" />
<record id="action_tax_reports" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Extended Tax Report</field>
<field name="res_model">biz1.tax.report</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="biz1_tax_views"/>
<field name="target">new</field>
<menuitem icon="STOCK_JUSTIFY_FILL" name="Tax Report" id="menu_tax_report"
parent="account.menu_finance_entries" action="action_tax_reports"
sequence="11" />
def action_button_ok(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
account_ids = []
account_tax_ids = self.pool.get('account.tax').search(cr,uid,[('id','!=',0)],context= context)
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel("\n0000000000 ", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ''+str(account_tax_ids))
for account_tax in self.pool.get('account.tax').browse(cr,uid,account_tax_ids,context=context):
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel("\n111111111 ", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ''+str(account_tax))
# netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel("\n ", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ''+str(finish))
action1 = []
for wizard in self.browse(cr,uid,ids, context=context):
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel("\n222222 ", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ''+str(account_tax))
if wizard.filter == 'date':
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel("\n333333333 ", netsvc.LOG_INFO, ''+str(wizard.search_selection))
action1 = {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'account.move.line',
'view_mode': 'tree',
'view_type': 'tree',
'domain':[('date','>=',wizard.date_from), ('date', '<=', wizard.date_to)] ,
'views': [(False, 'tree')],
'target': 'new',
elif wizard.filter == 'period':
action1= {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'account.move.line',
'view_mode': 'tree',
'view_type': 'tree',
'domain':[('period_id','>=',wizard.period_from), ('period_id','<=',wizard.period_to)] ,
'views': [(False, 'tree')],
'target': 'new',
return action1
I've done this before but using a different approach. In your .py file, using search function, get all the record ids of the account_move_line records that you want to display. Filter it according to your needs (i.e. Date, Period and Fiscal Year) and put all of these ids in one list (move_line_ids). Then in your action1 domain put: [('id','in',(move_line_ids))], Make your 'target':'current'. Hope this helps.
This is my return method: return { 'name':_(title), 'view_mode': 'tree', 'view_id': view_id, 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'account.move.line', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'nodestroy': True, 'target': 'current', 'domain': [('id','in',(move_line_ids))], 'context': {}, 'limit': limit, }
The 'limit' attribute is optional. In my case, I want to display all records in one page if it is greater than 80. You also need to have both 'view_mode' and 'view_type' included in your return.