Hello Guys
I have declared a many2one field
packaging_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.packaging', 'Package type', compute='_compute_package_type',
So I need to make a logic to return what objects I want to show in the list. I have tried it using a compute option but I am not sure this is correct. Follow my compute field
def _compute_package_type(self):
pckdel = self.batch_id.package_delivery_group
order = self.env['ord.data'].search([("pckdelgrp", "=", pckdel)], limit=1)
type = self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([("name", "=", order.deliverymethod)], limit=1)
if type.delivery_type == 'test' or type.delivery_type == 'xxx':
package_objs = self.env['product.packaging'].sudo().search([])
package_objs = self.env['product.packaging'].search([("packager_carrier_type", "=", type.delivery_type)])
self.packaging_id = package_objs.ids
However it fails and does not appear the dropdown list with the package_objs. Could someone please help me on that?
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Hi, Guilherme
In Many2one field you can add single record only, you can't add multiple records. For more reference you can refer to the Odoo User Guide. In case you want to deal with the multiple records then you can use Many2many or One2many fields.
But as per your code it seems you want to filter the list which shows while selecting a record in Many2one filed. So you can achieve this part by adding domain.
You can define field like that:
packaging_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.packaging', 'Package type', domain='_domain_package_type',
Domain method will be like that
def _domain_package_type(self):
pckdel = self.batch_id.package_delivery_group
order = self.env['ord.data'].search([("pckdelgrp", "=", pckdel)], limit=1)
type = self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([("name", "=", order.deliverymethod)], limit=1)
if type.delivery_type == 'test' or type.delivery_type == 'xxx':
package_objs = self.env['product.packaging'].sudo().search([])
package_objs = self.env['product.packaging'].search([("packager_carrier_type", "=", type.delivery_type)])
packageIds = package_objs.ids
return [('id', 'in', packageIds)]
Hope above code is clear to you. Feel free to ask in case you have any doubt related to the above code.
Ashish Singh (Team Lead)
Webkul Software Private Limited
Update your compute function like this and see, whether it solve the issue, you have to give limit=1 along with the search, or somehow in the package_obj(in the below code) variable in the code, must hold only a single record, so that we can write the value into Many2one field.
def _compute_package_type(self):
pckdel = self.batch_id.package_delivery_group
order = self.env['ord.data'].search([("pckdelgrp", "=", pckdel)], limit=1)
type = self.env['delivery.carrier'].search([("name", "=", order.deliverymethod)], limit=1)
if type.delivery_type == 'test' or type.delivery_type == 'xxx':
package_obj = self.env['product.packaging'].sudo().search([], limit=1)
package_obj = self.env['product.packaging'].search([("packager_carrier_type", "=", type.delivery_type)], limit=1)
if package_obj:
self.packaging_id = package_obj.id
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