Hi, I'm trying to remove the tax code label in the invoice as shown in the picture (red circle) without success. Can somebody help me out?
[look like the images are not shown - editor must be broken. so i'm going to type what is shown in the images]
Tax Base Amount
GST_CHILD_PURC - Purchase 5% 19.95 $ 1.00 $
PST_CHILD_PURC - PST Purchase 7% 19.95 $ 1.40 $
I want to remove the "GST_CHILD_PURC" and "PST_CHILD_PURC" labels. They are tax code. I just want to show the tax name labels.
Below is a snippet of codes from the report_invoice_document document, I believe this line (shown in bold) is responsible for tax code label. Is there a code to show just the tax name, not both tax code and name? Tax name is clean for invoice and not need to show ugly tax code line.
<table class="table table-condensed">
<th class="text-right">Base</th>
<th class="text-right">Amount</th>
<tr t-foreach="o.tax_line" t-as="t">
<td><span t-field="t.name"/></td>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="t.base" t-field-options="{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "o.currency_id"}"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="t.amount" t-field-options="{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "o.currency_id"}"/>