Guys, how to remove all residues of the followers from database ?
Odoo not adding followers automatically anymore but still keeps some in database which is annoying if some people sending emails because Odoo adding recipients automatically because it's still have assigned followers to the account :(
Manually ?
I already tried to remove all mail.followers but it's not enough to stop sending messages to the other even if is only one recipient in address line, Odoo still adding extra recipients. Regardless if you add one it still sending message to the other people :(
What else should I check/remove to stop it ?
It drives me crazy ....
Tried some changes in mail.js but it still doing it ..... next I'll check will be mail_followers.js
Nobody tried to remove this crap form Odoo before ?
Apparently problem solved. Before, Odoo was sending messages to the previously (before changes against automatic adding followers) added users/followers. So ... I was looking for the solution, how to remove followers and all this useless ..... things :)
Finally I'v made some changes in to stop sending messages to notified_partner_ids
if message.author_id:
partner_ids |= set([])
# if message.subtype_id and message.notified_partner_ids: # take notified people of message with a subtype
# partner_ids |= set([ for partner in message.notified_partner_ids])
# elif not message.subtype_id and message.partner_ids: # take specified people of message without a subtype (log)
# partner_ids |= set([ for partner in message.partner_ids])
if message.attachment_ids:
attachment_ids |= set([ for attachment in message.attachment_ids])
and after that I see no more messages sent to the other people than recipient/s.