I have three classesProductModel,BuyProduct,SoldProduct
when a user buys a product i need to remove item from ProductModel and insert to SoldProduct.
class ProductModel(models.Model):
_name = "product.model"
product_id = feilds.Char("Id")
_sql_constraints = [
('uniq_product_id', 'unique(product_id)', 'id already exists'),
def create(self, vals):
id = randrange(1000, 10000)
vals['product_id'] = "PR" + str(id)
return super(ProductModel, self).create(vals)
class BuyProduct(models.Model):
_name = buyproduct.model
user_Name = fields.Many2one('user.model',string="Name")
product = fields.Many2many('product.model',string="Product")
Date = fields.Datetime(default = fields.Datetime.now(),string="Selling Date",readonly=True)
return_Before =fields.Datetime(default = lambda self:(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=7)),string="return_Before",readonly=True)
class SoldProduct(models.Model):
_name = soldproduct.model
product_name = fields.Char("Product")
product_id = fields.Char("Id")
Thanks in advance,
Ramanathan Lakshmanan
The idea is to override odoo default methods (create, write, unlink): https://goo.gl/4BkizH