Hello, I have following code to make a button invisible on condition ;
"button name="button_validate" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('x', '=', True), ('show_validate', '=', False)]}" string="Validate" groups="stock.group_stock_user"
It works fine & for all users. However, I wish to override the invisible attribute only for certain group of user, say Account Advisor. Meaning the Account Advisors should see the button even if 'x', '=', True . I though to bring the "groups" within part of "attrs" condition but as far as I learned (maybe wrong), user group can not be part of a condition in "attrs", however that should be achievable with the "eval" (maybe wrong here too).
I am not yet in Python coding & prefer to achieve this on XML only (if possible).
I really appreciate any help or advise.
Thanks very much