My code so far:
import re
template=My name is [name] and on [date] I have to give [amount] to my friend.
placeholder = re.compile('(\[([a-z]+)\])')
find_placeholder = placeholder.findall(template.text)# get the template
for tgt in tgt_ids: #for each target(i have many),get the name,date,amount
name = self.pool.get(model).browse(cr, uid, tgt).name # the model is res.partner
date = self.pool.get(model).browse(cr, uid, tgt).date
amount = self.pool.get(model).browse(cr, uid, tgt).credit_limit
val = {'val_name': name,
'val_date': date,
'val_amount': amount,
message = template.text
for placeholder, key in find_placeholders:
message = message.replace(placeholder, val.get('val_' + key, placeholder))
print message
This is working right now, but if i want to get data from another data source(maybe external), probably the fields will have a different name.
For example - The key `name` might be changed to `first_name` or `date` to `payment_date`.
I want the code to be more flexible and to choose the right field every time. Is there any way to do this? Or do I have to change my code every time I change the source?Any ideas?