Hi. I'm trying to print a report that is a Qweb view from one button . This button I assign a function ( def) that would print the view.
I saw another question in this forum on how to create a button but do not stay clear and not work for me.
This would be the button in the view:
<button name="%(ID VIEW)d" string="Print" type="action" icon="gtk-print"/>.
In my case my statement would be:
<button name="%(769)d" string="Print" type="action" icon="gtk-print"/>.
The problem is that the id of the view that I set, the button does not recognize and does not generate any action .Is okay this statement or maybe you have to do something else?
Please help me with this. Thanks to all.
Great!Thanks but a i've a problem with the function:
Odoo shows me the next message when I press the button .
"TypeError: print_report() takes at least 6 arguments (5 given)"
Thanks of all :)
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