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2 Replies

On clicking the button action we are opening the popup window.

Pop up window

Empty record inserted to the database

we want to prevent this empty record save in the database.

Best Answer

Hello Gopal,

You have to use TransientModel to open popup.

Best Answer


Your view shows that , there is no required field in you table (class) , in xml of your wizard , make any field view mandatory , so empty  record wont be created in db. for example 

<field name="gender" required="1"/>

Hope it helps,

Thank you


if i set required ="1" pop up not open so that only i did not set the required attribute

I understand your issue, in your button get waiting list make sure that you fetch all the data for the columns in tree view. If any data is missing raise User Error so that no new empty record will be created. If you allow this for every iteration your doing if there is no data a new empty record will be created which is waste of db space.


It is a action button (button type is action) . on clicking the action button it was go to the create action method (odoo create method ) then call the popup so in that create action empty record is inserting.

You can also call the same action in py file and give the button type as object... and you can raise error if data is not filled.

action = self.env.ref('module.action_view').read()[0]

if fields:

action['views'] = [(self.env.ref('module.wizard_form_view').id, 'form')]

action['res_id'] = wizard_ids and wizard_ids[0] or False


raise UserError(_("Warning!.\n"))

return action


Type=object also same problem. we tried deleted the empty record after insert before popup. delete working fine.

thanks for your suggestion and help