I'm using odoo 11.
I have a "Course" model with a one2many field "session_id" referencing another "Sessions" model (as in the "building a module" tutorial on the odoo official docs). It all works neatly: when editing a course and adding a session, the wizard pops up and the user can fill the form and save. The only problem is that the "course" field in the wizard form is initially blank, whereas i'd like it to be automatically set equal to the current course.
In other words, I'm trying to make so that if I'm creating a new session from a given course page, the "course" field comes pre-set with the current course. I have no idea on how to accomplish that.
Is there a way to do that? Thank you in advance!
1- http://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2018/01/get-parent-form-value-in-one2many-form.html
2- https://youtu.be/tx1ONN2e8hk