Dear Community,
I have the o_chatter located on the main record view to post changes to fields
<div class="oe_chatter">
<field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers" groups="base.group_user"/>
<field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread">
Right now when I change char fields such as name, it will post a message on the chatter saying that
Name: Yousef Al-Hadhrami Ali Al-Hadhrami
but when I change a relational field such as employee family which is a relational field, it will only post ids instead of contents
This is the One2many field
class HrEmployeeFamily(models.Model):
_inherit = 'hr.employee'
employee_family_ids = fields.One2many(
and let's say this is the family model:
class EmployeeFamily(models.Model):
_name = ''
_inherit = 'employee.record'
related_employee = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Related Employee")
family_name = fields.Char(track_visibility='onchange')
instead of writing on the chatter
Family Name:Jack Sporrow Jack Smith
it writes the model and ids:
I'd like it to post a full detailed log on what was changed on the relational field, how can I achieve that?
which version are you using?
Version 10
@Ravi, your answer kinda did something but not the thing that it should do
it only shows the record if it was updated
so lets say you had family_name + family_date_of_birth, and you modify one of those, it won't show up on the log because it only shows when a record gets linked to the employee himself.
it only shows the record when it gets linked or unliked from an employee
but if you change something in the record, it won't show on the log because the link haven't changed
I think you need a related field on the model because currently family_name, family_date_of_birth are not direct model field so it does not reflect it's changing on chatter
I think there is,
related_employee = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Related Employee") is the related field on on Family
employee_family_ids = fields.One2many(
) is the related field on the employee
I found a way to [ost to the parent record that one of the family records is updated, deleted or created
here is what I used (for update only):
def write(self, values):
"""Override default Odoo write function and extend."""
'body': 'Personal Document ' + self.number + ' Updated',
'model': 'hr.employee',
'subtype_id': '2',
return super(HrEmployeePersonalDocument, self).write(values)
it seems the current implementation of chatter doesn't track change on one2many field and post-change entry on chatter.
you want to track the change of one2many field (employee_family_ids) on hr.employee
I talked about related field mean getting a related field on '' like
employee_name = fields.Char(related="")
but it will not work because of you want post entry on hr.employee
your solution looks good on change/write of a relevant field of family mode post message on employee model