I have a custom module on my odoo server that clients need to pay extra for use, but they can use it for free as a demo for a month. On install the module creates an entry in demo.installation model, where the module name and date of install are saved.
From the date I've got a "timer". I need to show the timer in the menu. I've badly extended the menu following this question https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/odoo10-how-to-inherit-templates-of-web-module-119140
I now need to show the remaining days in the menu.
I've override the web.Home controllers web_client method to check and add to the context.
@http.route('/web', type='http', auth="none") def web_client(self, s_action=None, **kw): ensure_db() if not request.session.uid: return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web/login', 303) if kw.get('redirect'): return werkzeug.utils.redirect(kw.get('redirect'), 303) request.uid = request.session.uid # DODELAVA ZA TIMER demo_install = request.env['demo.installation'].search([]) try: context = request.env['ir.http'].webclient_rendering_context() except: return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web/login?error=access') if len(demo_install) > 0: demo_install = demo_install[0] demos_obj = self.get_expiration_dict(demo_install) # NE DELUJEJO COMPUTED POLJA if demos_obj['expires'] < 0: msg = u'Your demo time is over! The module will be deleted in {} days!'.format(demos_obj['deletes']) context['message'] = msg return request.render('odoo13_demo_timer.expiry_message', qcontext=context) else: demos_obj['message'] = u'Your demo will end in {} days. The module will be deleted in {} days!'.format(demos_obj['expires'], demos_obj['deletes']) if demos_obj['expires'] <= 2: demos_obj['message_class'] = 'red' elif demos_obj['expires'] <= 7: demos_obj['message_class'] = 'yellow' elif demos_obj['expires'] > 7: demos_obj['message_class'] = 'green' context['demo_timer'] = demos_obj try: response = request.render('web.webclient_bootstrap', qcontext=context) response.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'DENY' return response except AccessError: return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web/login?error=access')
The menu templet looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-extend="Menu">
<t t-jquery='.o_menu_sections' t-operation='after'>
<t t-if="demo_timer">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right demo_time_placeholder">
<li t-attf-class="{{ demo_timer['message_class'] }}"><t t-esc="demo_timer['message']" /></li>
<ul class="full">FOO BAR</ul>
The problem is that there is no section "demo_timer" in the context that is passed to the template.
How can I pass values in context so I can use them in the menu?