Hi folks,
The desired process is the following:
I would like
from a one2many field inside a parent view (the kanban view of child_ids inside the partner's form view)
to click on a link on the kanban box of a contact
to have the corresponding view to open in the current window instead of the "new" modal window.
The documentation says this :
buttons and fields
[...] buttons and links with a type attribute perform Odoo-related operations rather than their standard HTML function. Possible types are:
action, object
standard behavior for Odoo buttons, most attributes relevant to standard Odoo buttons can be used.
opens the card's record in the form view in read-only mode
I wonder which approach should I take:
Using an <a type="open"> element while specifying a context="{'target':'current'}" maybe ?
Using an <a type="action"> with a target defined inside the action
Using an <a type="object"> with a method returning a dictionary # action = {# 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',# 'target': 'current',... }
Thanks for your time ;)