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Good day,

We use Odoo Enterprise Online and we would like to make the font size on the Traceability Report PDF smaller. Unfortunately, we can't find the View or Report to edit.

Does anyone know where to find this report? I found the traceability report page itself, but not the PDF version.

Kind regards.

Odoo 13.0

Best Answer

Hi Marc de Cocq there is no PDF version of tracebility report.

In case you are preparing custom module, If you want to update your Tracebility report Print (PDF) you will have to update it from js,

odoo.define('Your_module name.update_pdf_report', function (require) {

"use strict";

var AbstractAction = require('web.AbstractAction');

var core = require('web.core');

var session = require('web.session');

var framework = require('web.framework');

var stock_report_generic = require('stock.stock_report_generic');

var QWeb = core.qweb;

var rpc = require('web.rpc')

var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');

var _t = core._t;

var deferred = $.Deferred();


renderButtons: function() {

var self = this;

this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render("stockReports.buttons", {}));

// pdf output

this.$buttons.filter('.o_stock-widget-pdf').on('click', function(e) {

var $element = $(self.$el[0]).find('.o_stock_reports_table tbody tr')





Here in tr or whole table you have to update your custom css for PDF report ,

Like this

$(self.$el[0]).find('.o_stock_reports_table tbody tr').css('font-size':20px)

Thank You!



Skype: kalpeshmaheshwari



Thank you for your answer. But there is a PDF in the Enterprise online version to download.