In, i use following code to create an object. Please ignore all Chinese characters in this page.
class Assemblies(models.Model):
_name = 'property.assemblies'
name = fields.Char(string = '电脑名称')
operator = fields.Char(string = '操作人')
person = fields.Char(string = '使用人')
components = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='property.models', relation='property_assembly_rel', string = '组件')
Now I can see the property_assembly_rel table in odoo's postgreSQL database, but I want to modify this table (insert, write...).
I want to use assemblies_rel_obj = http.request.registry['property.hehe'] to get that table object, but unluckily, I know the table name is property_assembly_rel while I don't know the object name of the table.
Can anyone help me? Many thanks!