I need to modify: SlotDuration to '00:10:00', minTime to '08:00:00' and maxTime to '22:00:00' without messing with the original code
from what i've seen i need .js with the changes i want to make and .xml to put it in assets_backend
<odoo> <template id="assets_backend name="assets_backend_new" inherit_id="web.assets_backend"> <xpath expr="." position="inside"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/anser_ricardo/static/src/js/change_calendar.js"></script> </xpath> </template> </odoo>
odoo.define('anser_ricardo', function(require){ "use strict"; var CalendarView = require('web.CalendarView'); CalenderView.include({ minTime: '08:00:00' maxTime: '22:00:00' slotDuration: '00:10:00' }) });
but what i have clearly doesn't work, i think the problem is in .js file, can anyone help me? I saw 2/3 people with the same question as me, but no answer. Thanks!
Perfect! Thank you so much @Jigar Patel, you are the best! i can't vote because i don't have enough karma but as soon i get 5 karma i will vote! Is there a way to define minTime/maxTime/slotDuration in odoo System Parameters and then java will get those values and set Calendar to it? Once again, thank you so much!
Thanks Rick for appreciation. Here is my answer https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/call-system-parameters-using-js-152803