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2 Replies


I would like to know how I can manage production losses in Odoo v8.

We manufacture cream and obviously part of it is lost during process.

So when we create an MO of 5kg we might found out in the end only 4,8kg.

If I ''Consume and Produce" only 4,8kg then the MO is still on going for the 0,2kg left.

It is possible to scrap the 0,2kg, the MO is then in Done state but saying that we produced 5kg.

My need is to declare the effective quantity and be able to see the difference with the original amount.



Thank you for your quick and complete answer.

However, this results in having a canceled MO of 5kg in the mrp.production list.

"Consume and Produce" the complete quantity and then scrap it from the MO to, said "Virtual Location/Production Losses", is also clearer from the stock.moves point of view.

In the other hand, I'm not sure of the cream final value with that method.

I'd like to know the ratio for each production to deduce if we are making progress or detect a problem, and of course knowing the final cost of the cream.

You aren't scrapping cream, so I don't understand why you would want to show moving cream to the scrap location. Make the statusbar clickable and you can manually set the MO to done so it doesn't show in the list as cancelled.

Best Answer

Example:  100 units of powder and 10 units of water are used to make cream - usually this yields around 50 units of cream.

Follow this process:

1. Create the Manufacturing Order based on the 'normal' Bill of Materials.  You can always adjust later all quantities:

2. Process in two steps.  First, click Produce and do the 'Consume' step - adjust quantities here if needed.  This will consume all of the materials you specify:

3. For the second step, click Produce and do the 'Consume and Produce' step - adjust quantities here if needed. This will produce only the quantity you specify:

4. Finally, cancel the MO since the last 2 units of Cream won't be manufactured.  (Note:  If you don't like the idea of cancelling the MO, you can make the statusbar clickable and manually make the MO 'done' by clicking it).  Your stock moves will then be:

Notice in this case the cancelled move of 2 units of cream that were not made.

If you have real-time inventory setup, you will get corresponding accounting moves and the cost of the cream will be slightly more expense because the yield was 2 units lower than 'normal.

With another example, where you only needed 98 units of powder but 11 units of water to make 49 units of cream you would adjust the quantities in step 2) like this:

and step 3) like this:

You then end up with stock moves like this:

Notice in this case the cancelled move of 1 unit for the powder not used, the cancelled move of 1 unit for the cream not made and the additional move of 1 unit for the extra water used.

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