We user postfix for outgoing mails in our Odoo V11. Postfix is user as a tunnel to mail-server.
For now postfix authorise on server as catchall@ and send all the mails correctly, BUT!
1. If I recieve mail, I see in source
From: "Me" <catchall@mydomain.com>
Reply-To: "My organisation" <catchall@mydomain.com>
How to set up postfix to change this "from" to my settings email?
2. Some people don't answer to incoming mail, but send new mail. They start to print "to" string and autocomplete gives them catchall@ address. If they send an mail to that catchall@, mail is rejected by Odoo. What is the proper way to avoid such a situation?
Should I send email from, as example, odoo@ address and make new alias for it (make new lead an so)?
Or it will be no problem, if I reconfigure postfix (see 1)?