I know to make a field readonly with the "readonly" attribute. Is it possible to make the entire record readonly. That means that all field in a form should be readonly on a condition.
One insignificant way i found is to make this attrs="{'readonly':[('state','=','close')]}" in all the fileds present in the form.
<field name="responsible_id" class="oe_inline" attrs="{'readonly':
<field name="type" attrs="{ 'readonly':[('state','=','close')]}" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="send_response" attrs="{'readonly':[('state','=','close')]}"/>[('state','=','close')]}"/>
However i don't think this be the right one. I expect some way to put readonly attribut common for the form. Kindly suggest.
In my example, People can view all the records and edit only their own records.
Thank You.