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In calendar.view_calendar_event_form I want to make partner_ids field readonly if user_id != current_user_id. but name 'current_user_id' is not defined

I try this way, but it doesn't work.

        <xpath expr="//field[@name='partner_ids']" position="attributes">
            <attribute name="attrs">{'readonly':[('user_id','not in',uid)]}</attribute>

How to check if current user is the event owner (user_id)?

Best Answer

As far as I remember user must see a field for readonly field attrs to work. Whenever a user with default set of access rights logs in and checks the calendar, he is not able to see that, as the code states:

  <field name="user_id" groups="base.group_no_one"/>

Try changing that group to base.group_user or similiar and then try that.


user_id is already on calendar.view_calendar_event_form with label Owner. There's no need to change it. How to get current logged user id? I want to make Owner of the event the only user able to edit Attendees list (partner_ids). Or maybe there is better way to do it?