Hi all,
I intend to make
annual_dateofbirth=fields.Date('Nächster Geburtstag', compute='_calc_annual_dob',store=True)
available as Filter. I set stored=True to make it available as Field within Filter. However, it Needs to be recalculated on each page load. Thats why I introduced a second field current_date.
current_date=fields.Date('Aktuelles Datum', compute='_calc_current_date')
def _calc_current_date(self):
for rec in self:
rec.current_date = date.today()
def _calc_annual_dob(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.birthday:
today = date.today()
dob = rec.birthday.replace(year=today.year)
if parsed < today:
dob= dob.replace(year=today.year + 1)
However, _calc_annual_dob is only executed when the field is changed in the form, not on page reload.
I appreciate any hint!