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I have just signed up for odoo and I am using the free service level. I am trying to create an event that is available to the public and does not require any odoo registration.

In other words, I want a public user to be able to go to the page with my events and register without having to create an odoo account.

I read that there is a way to flag an event as public, but I cannot see where you set this.


Please use concise titles, it has no relevance if you are a newbie or not. I have edited the title for now. Thanks

Best Answer


For this first of all you have to install the module "Online Events"(technical name: website_event)  from the apps.

Then after this you can create a new event from Events -> Events ,

Then to publish it in the website , click on the smart button in the form (published/not published) , click the smart button to change the status.

Then logout and go to website and access events by typing /events with url

Eg :

From here the public can register for the event

