I want to have a tree view within my form that is editable="bottom" because this option enables a really quick way to add and edit the corresponding models but that also has a clickable link to the model. I have demonstrated it in this image :
As you can see I added the arrows on the right with photoshop to show you what I need. Clicking on the arrow should open the form view of that model, just like it does normally.
How can I add such an arrow to the tree view or achieve something similar?
This is what the tree view currently looks like
<page string="Stände">
<field name="staende">
<tree editable="bottom">
<field name="draw"/>
<field name="name" />
<field name="aussteller"/>
<field name="start_number" />
<field name="end_number" />
<field name="type" />
<field name="depth" />
<field name="walls" />
<field name="carpet"/>