I want to load product that exit in stock location of pos config.I try with this code but not work.How can I solve it?
class PosConfig(models.Model):
_inherit = "pos.config"
show_qtys = fields.Boolean(
"Show Product Qtys", help="Show Product Qtys in POS", default=True
default_location_src_id = fields.Many2one(
"stock.location", related="picking_type_id.default_location_src_id"
In js file,
odoo.define("pos_product_available.PosModel", function(require) {
"use strict";
var rpc = require("web.rpc");
var models = require("point_of_sale.models");
var field_utils = require("web.field_utils");
models.load_fields("product.product", ["qty_available", "type"]);
var PosModelSuper = models.PosModel.prototype;
models.PosModel = models.PosModel.extend({
get_product_model: function() {
return _.find(this.models, function(model) {
return model.model === "product.product";
initialize: function(session, attributes) {
// Compatibility with pos_cache module
// preserve product.product model data for future request
this.product_product_model = this.get_product_model(this.models);
PosModelSuper.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
load_server_data: function() {
// Compatibility with pos_cache module
var self = this;
var loaded = PosModelSuper.load_server_data.call(this);
if (this.get_product_model(this.models)) {
return loaded;
// If product.product model is not presented in this.models after super was called then pos_cache module installed
return loaded.then(function() {
return rpc
model: "product.product",
method: "search_read",
args: [],
fields: ["qty_available", "type"],
domain: self.product_product_model.domain,
context: _.extend(self.product_product_model.context, {
location: self.config.default_location_src_id[0],
.then(function(products) {
set_product_qty_available: function(product, qty) {
product.qty_available = qty;
update_product_qty_from_order_lines: function(order) {
var self = this;
order.orderlines.each(function(line) {
var product = line.get_product();
product.qty_available = product.format_float_value(
product.qty_available - line.get_quantity(),
{digits: [69, 3]}
// Compatibility with pos_multi_session
add_product_qty: function(products) {
var self = this;
_.each(products, function(p) {
_.extend(self.db.get_product_by_id(p.id), p);
refresh_qty_available: function(product) {
var $elem = $("[data-product-id='" + product.id + "'] .qty-tag");
if (product.qty_available <= 0 && !$elem.hasClass("not-available")) {
push_order: function(order, opts) {
var pushed = PosModelSuper.push_order.call(this, order, opts);
if (order) {
return pushed;
push_and_invoice_order: function(order) {
var invoiced = PosModelSuper.push_and_invoice_order.call(this, order);
if (order && order.get_client() && order.orderlines) {
return invoiced;
var OrderlineSuper = models.Orderline;
models.Orderline = models.Orderline.extend({
export_as_JSON: function() {
var data = OrderlineSuper.prototype.export_as_JSON.apply(this, arguments);
data.qty_available = this.product.qty_available;
return data;
// Compatibility with pos_multi_session
apply_ms_data: function(data) {
if (OrderlineSuper.prototype.apply_ms_data) {
OrderlineSuper.prototype.apply_ms_data.apply(this, arguments);
var product = this.pos.db.get_product_by_id(data.product_id);
if (product.qty_available !== data.qty_available) {
this.pos.set_product_qty_available(product, data.qty_available);
models.Product = models.Product.extend({
format_float_value: function(val) {
var value = parseFloat(val);
value = field_utils.format.float(value, {digits: [69, 3]});
return String(parseFloat(value));
rounded_qty: function() {
return this.format_float_value(this.qty_available);