I want to load custom templates based on the request domain. What i have right now is:
class IrHttp(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'ir.http'
def _dispatch(self):
# ATTENTION: _dispatch() must called before anything else!
dispatch = super(IrHttp, self)._dispatch()
# Return if there is not (jet) an env or this is not a httprequest or website request (e.g.: a backend request)
if not hasattr(request, 'env') or not request.env \
or not hasattr(request, 'httprequest') or not request.httprequest.host \
or not hasattr(request, 'website') or not request.website:
return dispatch
request_domain = request.httprequest.host.split(':', 1)[0]
domains = request.env['website.website_domains']
# Search if a website.website_domain with an INACTIVE template exits for current request domain
domain_set = domains.sudo().search(['&',
('name', '=', request_domain),
('template.active', '=', False)])
# Search and deactivate other website domain templates if:
# a.) A website domain with deactivated template was found for the requested domain (= deactivate former wdt)
# b.) No website template domain was found for the request_domain (= deactivate all website domain templates)
# c.) TODO: what if all templates are active at first run
if domain_set or not domains.sudo().search([('name', '=', request_domain)]):
views = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().search(['&',
('active', '=', True),
('id', 'in', domains.get_domain_template_ids())])
# ATTENTION: Do not use .write({}) here to avoid concurrent writes!
for view in views:
view.sudo().active = False
# Activated website domain template for the request url
if domain_set:
# Activate the domain template
domain_set[0].sudo().template.active = True
# FINISH the request
return dispatch
This seems the wrong way because it needs to write to the database to update the field active and this write sums up for every request from a different domain with an other template.
What would be the best way to add a template to the qwebcontext __stack__ to be loaded also ?