I using Odoo14 Enterprise edition,
want to do some modifications like this on stock_barcode module : When delivery is not to United States, give a field that show International.
I found the view code position should be added on the stock_barcode/static/src/xml:
I can add a new line there like this:
But I don't know how to give logics from model field there.
I try the code like this to call models:
But I got this error message when access the page:
Error: QWeb2 - template['stock_barcode_header_widget']: No enumerator given to foreach
I don't know how to link the template with model.
In the usually Odoo views, it can be linked like this:
We can call models easily on views like the code above and call the needed field from the models.
But on Odoo client actions, I don't know how to link models with templates.
So, How to call or link models with Odoo Client Action templates?, any help, source or tutorial how to learn about that whould be very appreciated,
Tri Nanda