If I select a project X on the task , it should only certain show related tags and not all the tags available in the system such as this.
I would like to limit the system to only show the first 3 tags.
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If I select a project X on the task , it should only certain show related tags and not all the tags available in the system such as this.
I would like to limit the system to only show the first 3 tags.
Create a many2many field of type project on tags view. Change the widget to tags . Assign the specific projects to each tag . Now go to a task and create this domain on the field tag.
now go to the odoo studio xml view here..it will look like this
you just need to remove the quotes from "project_id" for the domain to look like this
As such eg if you select Project as AGR - S00046 , it will only give you tag options which has those projects assigned to it in its model.
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