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Is there anyone tested this before ? I heard about changing the listening port, or install version 7 on a different port. I want to hear for someone who already tested it, to give some advices, challenges doing this. I know it can be tricky.

Thanks in advance for your valuables answers.

Best Answer

Hi Yassine,

Its not really a problem to install both V7 and V8 on one server. You simply have to make sure that both Odoo's run on a different port and that they both have different services names, locations of where the files reside, ..
If you want to 'automate' installations you can use this great script from André:

Install a clean VM and simply try to install a V7 and V8 next to eachother, it shouldn't give you too many troubles if you keep things seperated.


Hi Yenthe, Thanks for your answer. I'll try to install it both, just one question : the odoo 8 runs by default on a different port, and by default has different services names, and locations I guess ? because I noticed that in an odoo 8 installation's tutorial. I am right ?

Hi Yassine, no problem. Both Odoo 7 and Odoo 8 run on port 8069 by default so you'd have to change one of both. I assume that if you would run the V7 install script and then run the V8 install script you should be 99% done, you should only change one of both Odoo's their default port. The rest seems to be different in the install script from André.


Thanks, I'll try and get back to you.

No problem Yassine. Let me know how things go and if you have troubles post back here :)


Hey Yenthe, i'll choose 8070 for version 8, is there a problem to install version 8 on 12.04 LTS Ubuntu server ?

Hi Yassine, shouldn't give you any problems at all!


Hi Yenthe, I've achieved it with success, as you said, I should only pay attention to the xmlrpc port, and directories and conffiguration file names, daemon, addons path, and that's all, the two version are running separately, and on different ports. Thanks.

No problem Yassine, great to hear you've got everything running! Best of luck.


I used a manual installation ( no script ), to know exactly where things get installed.


Thank you very much Yenthe. let's keep in touch for further improvements maybe ;).

Hi Yassine, you're always welcome to e-mail me. :) (

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