I am doing some point of sale customization however i am not sure how to inherit to the point of sale js file (odoo 11)
i want to inherit modes.js 'product.product' loaded function
model: 'product.product',
// todo remove list_price in master, it is unused
fields: ['display_name', 'list_price', 'lst_price', 'standard_price', 'categ_id', 'pos_categ_id', 'taxes_id',
'barcode', 'default_code', 'to_weight', 'uom_id', 'description_sale', 'description',
order: _.map(['sequence','default_code','name'], function (name) { return {name: name}; }),
domain: [['sale_ok','=',true],['available_in_pos','=',true]],
context: function(self){ return { display_default_code: false }; },
loaded: function(self, products){
// i want to add some codes here //
self.db.add_products(_.map(products, function (product) {
product.categ = _.findWhere(self.product_categories, {'id': product.categ_id[0]});
return new exports.Product({}, product);