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So I have hundreds of product categories, hundreds of suppliers, and so on. I have thousands of products to import and have no way of knowing how to do this. It appears as though OpenERP wants only ids, never names. This would be an impossible task to somehow (I wouldn't even know where to begin) figure out all the ids for each supplier, category, etc.

I have tried categ_id/string as the value and when importing I've tried anything on Categories and Suppliers. For example, importing the supplier column and trying Supplier/Company returns "No matching record found in field Supplier" etc. I must be missing something as importing should be this difficult to figure out.

Thanks for any advice.


I'm in the same boat - did you get this figured out and if so, how?


I haven't made it back around, but I'm no closer now than before. It's frustrating and there isn't much documentation on the matter.

Best Answer

The import tool support string or IDs. It's more reliable to use ID if you can, but if you can not you can use strings. To import with string, just set "categ_id", instead of "categ_id/..."


It's not that I don't want to use IDs, I would if I could, but it's impossible to get all the relationships between-> Name -> product.product_category_17. That's what my export prints out when I do a test and there's no way I can know what id is what for the suppliers and the categories.


I also don't know what you mean by use just categ_id...I have only three options to choose from when trying an import (Category, Category/External ID, and one more but it says ID). I've tried all three and none work with a string.

The Categories and Suppliers have to be imported first, before products - have you done that?


These are already created and available when editing or adding new products.

OK. Create one record manually, via the UI, and then export it. You will see from the CSV what format the data needs to be in and how you can set categories.